Sunday, November 7, 2010

Blog Post 11

This discussion is definitely beneficial to my future as an educator. Ideally I want to teach first grade, so this was a perfect discussion for me to see.
First they were given sunray computers that didn’t have programs, but had internet access. She used this for the children to create blogs. I think that is outstanding and definitely something that I will consider using in my classroom as well.
A problem she mentioned when she was filming the first graders were that they couldn’t communicate well enough yet verbally, so she made alterations so that her students from the previous year could do the speaking.
I agree that teaching has changed and improved technologically because the world has changed and improved. It’s important that we understand that as teachers we HAVE to know how to use technology, because we WILL be using it and teaching with it.
To keep up with technology, the best way is to keep track of your online networks. We already have learned to do this in EDM310, so I feel like we are lucky to already be established with that.
In order to decide which type of technology you should begin with in your classroom, you should start within your comfort zone. If you are best at writing, begin with blogging, if you are more comfortable filming/talking, Skype/podcasting could be the best place for you to start.
These methods will definitely benefit the future of my students because it will allow a solid base at a very young age. By beginning with something I am most comfortable with, I will be much more confident in teaching my students, and that is most important.


  1. Hey Stephanie!
    I see that you are teaching the same grade as Ms. Cassidy so this assignment must have been great for you!She does an awesome job at keeping technology in her classroom and her job as a teacher seems to be going well for her. I wish you the best of luck in school and in your career!

  2. These children are amazing! I think that these children are so amazing because they are given the opportunity. If more students were able to have access to the tools Mrs. Cassidy is using I think more students would surprise us with their abilities. I am glad to read that you intend to use these and other tools with your students. SS
