This video was very interesting to me and I really enjoyed the end of it most. Because of this class I believe I have become a networked student more than ever. I have been introduced to have a high regard for researching through the internet and using technology to my advantage.
This video talks about connectivism, which is learning as the result of having a social network of diverse connections and ties. In EDM 310 we have definitely practiced connectivism by connecting with other students and professors. I know that although blogs are mostly based on opinion, there is still much to be learned by them. A reliable cite that is available for me to check facts would be through USA Online Library.
I enjoyed the part of the video talking about iPods being useful for more than just music, like audio and video podcasts. iTunesU has courses recorded by professors across the country. This allows access to the best professors and best colleges across the world. Most everyone I know has an iPod, so this is a very helpful piece of technology that is available by many.
Videos can be shared with other people and can help other students just as he has been assisted himself. Not only that, but new tools are being created everyday which will provide for better communication which in turn leads to more knowledge shared.
In response to the question on whether or not teachers are essential for a networked student, I strongly believe that they are. Teachers are important to provide instruction on how to build this very important network. They help to initially get started building the network as well as provide assistance with problems and questions. Teachers also help students to recognize good and bad information. Teachers also assist with organization of all of the information found. I don’t know how I would have ever gotten this far without assistance and I know that without further help I will not improve as much as I strive to.
This student had a very neat and organized PLE. She was sure to keep her social networks separate from those for school. I think it is very impressive that a student as young as 7th grade is so technology literate. It goes to show how much and how fast technology is expanding in our society. This definitely came in handy when she was creating her certification to handle animals in science class. Her entire PLE was very unique and educational. Things sure have changed since I was in 7th grade!
Mr. Wesch comments relate to me in the aspect that media does shape us. I believe that as media and the news change, conversations obviously change as well. At times it can also affect actions as well, for example because of crime. For example, last year when all of the emails and news were discussing the armed robberies on campus, I was VERY timid when it came to walking from my car to my dorm, locking doors, and answering doors. I would always have pepper spray in my hand when I walked anywhere. The media obviously changed my actions from being semi-careless to very aware of my surroundings.
Another affect of the media/televisions is that in order to fave a “voice” you must be on t.v., an example he gave was American Idol, which is one of the most followed shows. Another example is the use of words that come and go, for example “whatever”. Personally I say “whatever” all the time, so that kind of made me laugh.
I enjoyed the explanation about not really talking directly to a person when you are on facebook and other social networking cites. It is true, you are talking to a webcam or on a keyboard. You never really know who you are truly talking to. This can be dangerous sometimes, although I usually know “who” I am “talking” to, the point is, I am not really “talking” to “them”.
ReplyDeleteI can really tell you have put a lot of thought into each of your responses. You reflection on the Networked student was spot on. You response about the media and it shaping our reality is signifiant to me. I wonder how much influence media has on our culture and what would happen if we were limited to the knowledge that was attained only by means of personal communication.
Great work,